Mind-Body Therapy

Holistic healing is a wellness approach that works with all aspects of the being: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. With bodywork and therapeutic dialoguing, I can help you figure out what is going on in your mind and body that is interfering with your sense of well-being. Working with mind and body is essential to creating healing shifts because stress, anxiety, and trauma accumulate in your body, not just in your mind.

Your body is telling you something.

All emotions go somewhere in your body, whether you are aware of it or not, and when stressful emotions or events are too big or experienced for too long, that energy stays stuck in your body and can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. Your fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, pain, and chronic illness are your body’s way of telling you that you have emotional energy that is not integrated, and/or that something needs to change: whether it is your diet, exercise, relationships, thought patterns, behavior, etc. Rather than feeling like your body is betraying you, consider the ways in which you might be betraying your body by not listening to it. I can help you figure out what your body is telling you, and bodywork can release holding patterns in your fascia (connective tissue) that trap emotional energy and keep your nervous system in a state of dysregulation.

Your body is listening to you.

Your thoughts, emotions, and behavior reflect the state of your nervous system. If you are ruminating about past events or stressing about the future, if you are feeling unsettled or overwhelmed, if you are constantly going through daily tasks or scrolling on your device, those are indications that your nervous system is in a state of dysregulation. Stress and internal conflict affect your body on a cellular level, impacting your body chemistry, tissues, and organs. I can help you observe the stories that your mind is telling you, integrate emotional energy, and resolve internal conflict that disrupts balance, both physically and mentally. Becoming aware of your internal narrative is the first step to creating healing shifts. Who you are is underneath the masks you wear, the roles you have played to adapt and protect yourself. Therapeutic dialoguing can help you become aware of and integrate the parts of yourself that are buried or in conflict with each other.

The way out is through, and the way through is in.

If you are ready for change, I can help you do the deep dive to heal yourself rather than just talking about your problems or reducing symptoms. You can feel better from the very first session and get the tools you need to continue the work on your own. Most clients come to see me for a three- or five-session package deal and then sign up for more if/as needed. This work can create profound shifts much more quickly than traditional counseling, so you can feel better with fewer sessions.

What word would you use to describe what you are struggling with most right now? We can start there, and then we can move on to how that feeling presents itself in your body and in your mind.

I most commonly work with anxiety and the ways it manifests in physical, emotional, and behavioral dysfunction, but I work with any issue that is creating internal conflict, such as aging, anger, blocks to progress, body image, childbirth, conception, depression, eating habits, empty nest, family/ parenting, fears, focus, goals, grief, illness, inability to relax, injuries, lack of energy, libido, life/death transition, life purpose, loss, midlife crisis, nervous system regulation, overcoming addictive behaviors, pain, performance, peri/ menopause, plant medicine journey preparation and integration, postpartum stress, procrastination, self-esteem, sleep, stress, trauma, and weight reduction.

If you are ready to feel better, come see me! I can help facilitate movement in your mind and body, help integrate your past experiences so you can feel like yourself again — or feel like the self you want to be.

Click here to request an appointment.

Why “MoonSea”?

I chose this name for a few reasons:

Your mind and body influence each other like the moon affects the tide. Any change in physical health – positive or negative – creates mental change and vice versa.

The moon can illuminate the darkness: this work can help you discover what is going on in your mind and body that is keeping you stuck in old patterns.

The sea speaks to the flow in your body, the depths of your subconscious mind. This work releases restrictions to restore healthy flow in your body and mind.

The two words put together to create a new word that symbolizes different parts interconnected:

MoonSea. MindBody.

The mind-body approach means integrating all aspects of your being.